Photo: Amsterdam-International-Water-Week

Last chance to submit outline for papers for Amsterdam International Water Week conference

18 January 2015

by Richard Forster

Those wishing to submit papers for the Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW) conference have under three weeks to send in their outlines. Submissions for the event, which looks to provide an international platform for integrated water solutions, will close on the 14 February 2015.

The Amsterdam International Water Week is a platform for new alliances and fresh ideas: connecting industry, science, business, policy and technology. The event crosses borders between water and sanitation, delta technology, food, agriculture, finance and governance.

The Amsterdam International Water Week Conference focuses on integrated water solutions. The conference includes key notes and sessions, the Industry Leaders Forum (ILF), the Utility Leaders Forum, 40 international delegations, debate and networking opportunities.

For more information, read the call for papers. To submit a paper, please click here. For the outline paper template, click here.

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