New EUROCITIES Secretary General: ‘We want to be the go-to network for European institutions on urban affairs’

07 April 2014

by Richard Forster

Anna Lisa Boni has been announced as the new Secretary General of EUROCITIES, the Brussels-based network of major European cities. Boni believes that cities are the engines to drive Europe out of its economic slump and will actively push for cities to lead the transition to a low-carbon economy and promote social cohesion and inclusion.

“I want to see EUROCITIES as the main European association representing cities in Brussels: the ‘go to’ network for the European institutions when it comes to urban affairs,” she told Cities Today. “I want to see EUROCITIES with a very strong political presence in European debates and negotiations, where I also want to contribute to building an EU closer to the ground, respectful of subsidiarity and capable of reflecting the diversity of cities.”

Anna Lisa Boni, the new Secretary General, EUROCITIES
Anna Lisa Boni, the new Secretary General, EUROCITIES

Boni will take up her new role, representing 140 large cities across 34 European countries, on 16 June when she finishes her current position as Director of the Brussels Office of the French Region Provence-Alpes–Côte d’Azur. Her first external meeting in her new role will be meeting with members of the newly elected European Parliament where Boni wants to push the urban agenda.

“I will work to capitalise on and further strengthen the network’s achievements,” she added. “In particular when it comes to promoting a strong and integrated urban agenda within the framework of the future EU institutional context.”

Boni, an Italian who speaks four languages, arrives to her new position with 20 years of professional experience in EU public affairs in the field of local and regional government. As well as working for Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, she has also worked for the city of Bologna in Italy.

“These next five years will be challenging times,” she added. “The need to find innovative solutions to major structural problems such as climate change, youth unemployment, and demographic change, in a period of ongoing financial uncertainties, will be extremely important. Given the context, it is essential that the network engages in an effective dialogue with all EU institutions to ensure that the needs and resources of cities impact proactively on the development of EU policy.”

Boni replaces Paul Bevan who held the position since 2008 until stepping down in February this year. EUROCITIES’ annual conference will be hosted by Munich from 5-8 November and will include a focus on ‘intelligent energy cities of tomorrow’.

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