Mercociudades summit to debate further integration

14 October 2016

by Jonathan Andrews

By José Corral, Mayor of Santa Fe, Argentina

Over the last few decades, cities have undergone major growth resulting from significant migration and a concentration of activities. Currently, eight out of every 10 people in Latin America live in cities. This process has led to unorganised growth in many cases with major impacts on communities, which have been exposed to problems related to territorial inequality, marginalisation, a lack of basic resources, settlements on unsuitable land (subject to flooding and landslides), housing shortages, unemployment, environmental degradation, insecurity and increased risks of disaster, among others.

In this environment, local governments face greater demands from citizens regarding these new realities. That being said, local governments are also the appropriate spheres to take on these challenges as they are the level of government closest to the people. Their actions reflect directly on the citizenry. Local governments have the greatest capacity to generate results in the fastest and most efficient way and they have the most resources to listen to and understand the needs of the people and to take specific actions to meet these needs. Ultimately, local governments have the best chances of enabling citizen participation and involvement to resolve problems that affect territories and communities.

Given this trend, cities need greater participation in regional and international decision making processes to be able to expand their capacity for urban and regional management in order to fully realise their potential. Local governments are privileged players in territorial planning and policy formulation to increase access to housing and reduce the social gap among citizens.

Urban development, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN (that propose the goal of sustainable cities and communities), bolsters the importance of local governments as central players in the determination of objectives that lead to this development, but with the cooperation and support of regional and national governments and while maintaining active participation in international decision making forums.

In this framework, Mercociudades proposes a policy that:

• Promotes culture and education as key factors for equitable development of societies to evolve towards more inclusive cities.

• Improves the commitment of the people in the application of inclusion and territorial integration policies in the framework of building an active citizenry.

• Provides territorial integration in areas with severe deficiencies in housing and habitat as a strategic objective for a sustainable city.

• Develops resilience with the objective of providing a response to adverse situations and creates strategies to mitigate impacts, manage risks and better prepare communities to face new challenges.

These aspects will be the topics of discussion at the 21st Annual Mercociudades Summit that will take place in Santa Fe, Argentina from 23 to 25 November. The main theme of this year’s summit is ‘Building resilient societies in the framework of regional integration’.

Hundreds of mayors and intendants from over 300 member cities will be in attendance, along with experts and specialists from academia and public and private institutions, who will debate the challenges of the 21 century and their impacts on cities as well as successful experiences that enable local governments to build more inclusive and integrated societies. Sustainable urban development is undoubtedly linked to the ability of cities to project and manage their futures, face current challenges and tensions, promote participation and develop collaborative public policies, while incorporating new ideas to address new realities and share best practices to make these projects a reality.

Local government officials are being called to consider sustainable and inclusive cities with local planned management in coordination with regional and national governments to create better living conditions in our territories and greater opportunities for growth for our communities.

21st Annual Mercociudades Summit, Santa Fe, Argentina, 23 – 25 November
For more information see:  and

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