Photo: phone-5g-city

Italian cities and telcos commit to 5G collaboration

25 September 2023

by Sarah Wray

Italy is taking steps to accelerate the deployment of high-speed broadband and 5G networks across the country and to ensure that funds allocated in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) are used effectively by 2026.

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between Italy’s Department for Digital Transformation; the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI); Italy’s implementing body for broadband, Infratel Italia; and telecom operators INWIT, Vodafone, TIM, and Openfiber.

The agreement emphasises the role of Italian municipalities, aiming to improve collaboration between the public and private sectors. It also encourages the use of environmentally friendly technologies and existing infrastructure where possible.

Municipalities as protagonists

“We want municipalities to become protagonists of the country’s digital transformation processes,” said Alessio Butti, Undersecretary of State for Technological Innovation.

“There are 7,901 municipal administrations to be reached with high-speed network infrastructures: we need connectivity to increase the opportunities for development for the territory and bring citizens closer to digital services, leaving no one behind.”

The main aim of the agreement is to streamline and expedite the process of laying fibre and constructing 5G infrastructure, including reducing the time required to obtain permits and standardising procedures between operators and municipalities. The focus is on establishing high-speed, fixed, and mobile connections as outlined in the Italy 1 Giga and Italy 5G operational plans within the PNRR.

Through the agreement, operators will provide municipalities with information on project timelines and methods, and foster collaboration mechanisms.

Rules of engagement

The memorandum of understanding will be in effect until June 30, 2026, and consists of three operational agreements: one for the Italy 1 Giga Plan and two for the Italy 5G Plan, giving municipalities flexibility based on their needs. Each operator will provide municipalities with an agreement specifying rules, collaboration procedures, and commitments to meet PNRR milestones.

“The availability of ultra-broadband connectivity throughout the country is an indispensable prerequisite to give equal rights to all citizens and support the development of territories, whether they are metropolitan cities or small mountain or rural municipalities”, said Antonio Decaro, president of ANCI and Mayor of Bari.

“For this reason, the municipalities, and ANCI that represents them, want to play their part also in the development of the plans financed with the PNRR. With the signing of this agreement, we want to achieve the goal of providing institutions with reliable information on the timing and methods of implementation of interventions and administrative tools that can allow them to better relate with operators.”

“The protocol marks an important step in our collaboration with Italian municipalities,” said Marco Bellezza, CEO of Infratel Italia, stressing the importance of transparency, accessibility of information, and speeding up administrative processes.

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