Smart City Expo USA

4th October 2023 – 5th October 2023 all-day
Pier 36 NYC
299 South St
New York, NY 10002

Smart City Expo USA (SCEUSA) is a two-day conference and innovative expo featuring transformative technologies, inspiring speakers, and exclusive networking opportunities. SCEUSA is proud to partner with the City of New York and serve as the only U.S. edition of Fira Barcelona’s Smart City Expo movement. The event convenes the most government officials, industry leaders, high profile CEOs, and innovators of any cities event across the country.

Smart City Expo USA believes a smart city is one that addresses homelessness, hunger, and poverty, and provides energy and internet connectivity; affordable healthcare, housing, and transportation options; clean air and water; and quality education. SCEUSA continues to be committed to bridging racial, wealth, and equity gaps through sensors, heat maps, broadband, ethical AI, predictive analytics, the cloud, edge computing, blockchain, big data, electrification, and more.

For more information, visit