Cities are the answer to Euroscepticism, say mayors

17 November 2016

by Jonathan Andrews

In an open letter, mayors representing 187 major European cities have called upon European and national leaders to better work with cities to overcome a malaise that the EU is facing.

The mayors, all members of EUROCITIES the European city network that is celebrating its 30th anniversary at its annual conference in Milan, say that the language used by EU institutions is out of date.

“Citizens want to see results,” said Johanna Rolland, Mayor of Nantes and President of EUROCITIES. “We aren’t going to convince them with ten-point plans or clever marketing. We need to understand their concerns and visions, and work with them to build a stronger, more relevant and legitimate Europe.”

In the opening plenary, EU institutions came under criticism from Guiseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan and host of this year’s annual conference, when he said that they must communicate better.

“The language used by the EU is old and longwinded. The lack of citizen participation must be overcome, and how? We need innovation, our word is innovation. It is us, the cities of Europe, that can and must foster it.”

Daniël Termont, Mayor of Ghent and incoming EUROCITIES President said that people need only look at cities to see that that the spirit of Europe is still alive.

“We have rallied in response to the refugee situation, we deliver bold local climate action, and design innovative programmes to fight unemployment,” he said in the afternoon plenary. “Our experience can be vital for rebuilding faith in the European project, and we urge European and national leaders to work in partnership with us to give Europe a better future.”

The open letter also acknowledged the role that UK cities can play in the European project despite Brexit.

“We see a future for UK cities in this process too,” says the letter. “Like other European cities, they are economic drivers, centres of knowledge, innovation and excellence, and examples of how diversity and integration can thrive. Many UK city leaders are determined to demonstrate that their cities are open for business and trade, and remain welcoming, tolerant and diverse places.”

EUROCITIES has invited EU and national leaders to a Summit of Mayors in Brussels on 7 March 2017 to discuss how to better work together.

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